Thursday, July 2, 2009

One year ago today!

It was one year ago today that I stood on top of Glen Pass with John, Dennis and Mike. It was a beautiful day that I will always remember. I love backpacking for the memories and pictures (such as this one) that are made. The four of us formed a bond over those five days and long trail miles. We spent hours laughing at the contact between bubble one to bubble two, and talking over campfires. It is vital to for your soul to get out in the wild and live life to the fullest. I still laugh as I think about Mike talking in his sleep every night and telling me he is not going to shine his flashlight "at some big-ass bear." We were all so lucky to spend five days in God's country. I can only hope to be in as good as shape as Dennis is when I am 61 so I can hike the Rae Lakes loop at his age. I still think he should be on the cover of A.A.R.P. Thanks to a great crew for the laughter and memories!


  1. That was a great trip and one that I dreamed about for years. Glenn Pass was the icing, no pun intended, on the cake.

    Keep hiking, running, snorkeling and surfing and you'll be Mr. Atlas when you're 61. Let's go sailing!

    The Cover Boy

  2. I think you should write a book ala John krakauer
